Collection: Products

Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition Coaching uses a flexible dieting approach (aka macros) to reach your fitness and nutrition goals! Nutrition Coaching includes:

  • Weekly Email Only Check Ins and Evaluations
  • Customized Macros, with modifications as needed
  • Continuous coach support via email with questions, comments, concerns, ideas, etc.
  • Access to app to track progress, measurements, nutrition, exercise/activity, steps, etc.
  • Access to on-demand workouts
  • Access to private Facebook group page 
Inquire about Nutrition Coaching

1:1 Intensive Nutrition Strategy Session

Meet with Maria one-on-one to discuss your greatest challenges to reaching your nutrition and fitness goals and walk away feeling supported and confident.

During this single 60-minute session, we will:

  • Get to the root cause of why you are feeling stuck
  • Discuss individual strategies that you can use to breakthrough your unique barriers
  • Develop a personalized, step-by-step plan that will serve you well beyond our session!

Inquire about a 1:1 Intensive Session

Customized Macros

Receive customized calorie, protein, carb, fat, and fiber goals based on your needs, preferences, lifestyle, activity level, and goals. 

Inquire about Customized Macros